Use of ICT for

social accountability
Project description

Continuously building citizens and civil society ca-Unprecedented leveraging of technology (web, SMS capacity in budget literacy and training on accountability platforms) for engaging in the protection of democracy, transparency and popular participation; and monitoring of the electoral processes through UCHAGUZI Model in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia in under 8 months.

Continuously building the capacity of civil society to ;engage in an effective and constructive dialogue with government while maintaining the autonomy. InfoNET has developed and revamped various County critical edge of civil society; Government websites in order to make them more in­teractive and more informational.

Strengthening the knowledge base and strategic ca­pacities of public sector officials (MPs, Councillors, District Development Committees and boards of public institutions, e.g. schools and other public institutions to respond to citizens.

Project details

Category: Web & SMS capacity, Client: Citizens & Civil society, Created: June 11, 2010